You are moving in with your partner? You are scared of this next step in your relationship and how it will affect it? We have 5 tips for you on how to maintain a healthy relationship while living together.

5 Tips For Moving In With Your Partner
Pre-Test Living Together
You can’t really know in advance what it will really be like to live together. But it can be pre-tested a bit. How about, for example, a trip of several weeks together or a camping trip? Anyone who is really struggling after a week in the tent or doesn’t know what to talk about with the other person will have to be patient with moving in together. The feeling that should prevail after a long time in a confined space is: “I thought that was good. I want more of that! ”
Find A New Place
Once the question of contracting has been resolved, the next question follows: Where actually? In the long tradition of moving in together as a couple, it has proven to be worthwhile to start over together. When one moves in with the other, there is often the stale feeling of penetrating into foreign territory. Most couples find it nicer to move into a new place together and get to know the new neighbors together.
Enough Space For Both
Even if it’s cheaper – you shouldn’t save space in the first apartment, Because many disputes arise from the fact that both are constantly stick on each other. It is good when everyone has a place of privacy, when there is a separation of work and bedroom when there are places where you can meet, and places where you can be alone from time to time. What does it bring you in the end if you choose the two-room apartment instead of the three-room apartment and each pays 100 euros less, but your relationship breaks up?
Your Own Life
Many couples merge into one person when they move in together. Suddenly it seems inconceivable to stay longer at the party when the other is already wanting to go home or to meet up with friends alone – but that used to be quite normal. An important tip for moving in together: move on with your own life. Then on the one hand there is no stress with neglected friends or the part-time job and on the other hand no unpleasant dependencies within the relationship.
Cleaning Schedule
You used to visit each other and there were no household problems. Everyone took care of what happened in their apartment. In the first shared apartment, there can be discrepancies. Suddenly you are annoyed that your boyfriend never washed the dishes or your girlfriend always leaves her hair in the shower. It is nice when the household works by itself and, depending on the stress level, sometimes one person, sometimes the other, takes on more. However, if there is a permanent imbalance, it is better to set up rules – like in a shared apartment. This is better than constantly arguing about little things or silently blaming the other person. Maybe one of them prefers to clean the bathroom, the other the kitchen. One wants washing, the other ironing. You will surely find an agreement!