Intense Test Product Process
Aldi takes the idea of quality very seriously. As a matter of fact, their test kitchens have pretty strict policies. Before it arrives in the store, each product is tested 30 times. They re-test at least once a year and every time a similar product is released by one of their competitors. Beautifully impressive!

Intense Test Product Process
All About ‘Verzicht’
We’ve been trying to find the best translation, but it seems that we can’t find a direct English translation. The word, however, would almost mean a combination of “doing without” and “giving up.” It’s all about coherence and thriftiness, to put it simply. Since workers are not allowed to speak to the media, they will not confess. Still, when a regional manager published a book revealing the business plan of Aldi, many individuals learned everything about their ideology – keeping things simple. It all comes down to setting a goal and all else being disposed of.

All About ‘Verzicht’