Mammoth Brains
One of the most unusual objects uncovered beneath the ice by experts is the brains of a woolly mammoth. The remains were discovered in permafrost near the Laptev Seashore. It appeared to be one of the rarely preserved mammoths with the brain intact that has ever been unearthed. It was created 39,000 years ago. The unfortunate thing was that it was a newborn mammoth. Scientists believe it perished when it was only six to nine years old.

Mammoth Brains
Frozen Fox
Wait till you see what we’re talking about; this is by far one of the most intriguing findings on this list. Even though certain animals are designed to thrive in specific weather conditions, they can succumb to the cold at times. Unfortunately, this is what happened to the fox below. A hunter discovered him in a German lake. He also came across a wild deer and boar before finding the fox. According to rumors, the preserved fox is now on exhibit in a hotel in Germany.

Frozen Fox