Baby Koala
How can you possibly deny how amazing koalas are? Even when they are adults, they remain super lovable. Wait until you see how precious they are when they are babies. You can take a look at this photo if you do not want to take our word for it. Also known as joeys, baby koalas only weigh around a gram at the time of birth. If you want to look at them in person, you have to head down to Australia.

Baby Koala
Baby Cow
Props to the person who caught this moment on film! It is nice to see such an intimate scene between the mother cow and her calf. While the baby looks small compared to her, the truth is that it must already weigh anywhere from 60 to 100 pounds by this time. An hour after a calf is born, it gains the ability to walk, nurse, and stand. Things are very different for us humans, as you definitely already know by now. This only makes these mighty creatures even more majestic in our eyes.

Baby Cow