Baby Muskox
This cute little thing is an Arctic hoofed mammal named for the heavy scent released by male muskoxen during the seasonal rut. The muskox has a miserable name due to its thick coat. It’s called “umingmak” in Inuktitut, which means “bearded one.” That may not sound horrible, but the Woods Cree names “mâthi-môs,” and “mâthi-mostos” mean “ugly moose” and “ugly bison,” respectively.

Baby Muskox
Baby Boar
Wild boars are found in Eurasia and North Africa. It has recently made its way to the Americas and Oceania. This animal is now one of the most widely distributed mammals on the planet! Who wouldn’t want to see more of these adorable creatures? This animal is extremely adaptable to new environments, allowing it to survive almost anywhere. In certain areas of its introduced range, it has also become an invasive species.

Baby Boar