The Richest Celebrities And Their Unbelievable Net Worth

Published on 09/08/2019

Nadya Suleman (Octomom) – $1 million

The real name of Octomom is Nadya Suleman. When the media attention was gone, she was in financial trouble. She even applied for bankruptcy in 2012. After changing her image, the offers also came back and alleviated her problems.

Nadya Suleman (Octomom) – $1 million

Nadya Suleman (Octomom) – $1 million


Robin Williams – $130m

Before the actor died, he had a net worth of about $130 million. He was a big star in Hollywood, but two divorce settlements depleted his net worth. In fact, he was close to bankruptcy at the time of his death. Before he passed away, he set up a trust fund for his children.

Robin Williams – $130m

Robin Williams – $130m