He Was Furious With Why His Daughter Was Expelled From School

Published on 12/08/2020

Last Choice

The principal again presented Tony with two choices and said that Demetra should wear sweatpants to cover her legs. The teenager would not be allowed to get back to the classroom if Demetra did not comply. It was an unfair judgment that Tony could not help but believe, mainly because the reasoning was that his daughter was a distraction to the boys inside the classroom.

Last Choice

Last Choice


Unfair Discrimination

For the first time, Demetra began to speak up, and the teenager stressed that the dress code was strictly enforced on the student girls but lenient to the boys. Many students wore hats but were not reprimanded, even though there was a no hat policy. Demetra argued that it would be the girls who would get into trouble, which was unfair discrimination.

Unfair Discrimination

Unfair Discrimination