After Experiencing Financial Problems, These Celebrities Can No Longer Live Extravagantly

Published on 08/24/2021

Jon and Kate Gosselin

Are you familiar with Jon and Kate Plus 8? Jon allegedly had an affair with the nanny, and the reality TV pair split up. After that, the show was canceled, and the couple divorced. They used to make more than $75,000 per episode, but feeding the entire family couldn’t have been cheap.

Jon And Kate Gosselin

Jon And Kate Gosselin


Willie Nelson

Willie Nelson is well-known even if you aren’t a major country music fan. He’s been in the music business since 1956, so you’d imagine he’s made a lot of money. Things took a turn for the worse when he had to pay $16.7 million in taxes to the IRS. He was able to get out of debt thanks to his lawyer and an album called “The IRS Tapes: Who’ll Buy My Memories.” His life has never been the same since then, despite this.

Willie Nelson

Willie Nelson