Studio 54: The Iconic ’70s Night Club All The Celebrities Loved

Published on 10/20/2019

Elton John And A Minor Wardrobe Malfunction

This photo of the musician looks more like the man as we know him now. The matching getup and geometric pattern details spell Elton John! Don’t you think he looks like Hermes, the messenger of the gods? He celebrated the release of “A Single Man” that night in October 1978.

Elton John And A Minor Wardrobe Malfunction

Elton John And A Minor Wardrobe Malfunction


Disco Sally Living Her Best Life

A lot of people think that partying is only for the young, but you’ll change your mind after hearing about Sally “Disco Sally” Lippman. This was one old biddy who did what she always wanted to do after her husband passed away. Her friend suggested she go to Studio 54 “just to see what it’s all about.” She ended up having a great night and everyone loved her! The manager loved her so much and let her in whenever she wanted. She explained, “I didn’t dance for 50 years because my husband didn’t like it.”

Disco Sally Living Her Best Life

Disco Sally Living Her Best Life