I’ll Be Seeing You – Billie Holiday
Billie Holiday’s melancholy interpretation of “I’ll Be Seeing You” became famous for its inclusion in the film “The Notebook.” However, the song’s significance extends beyond the silver screen: in 2019, it served as the final message transmitted to Opportunity, the Mars rover.
The song, which Holiday recorded in 1944, was originally written for the Broadway musical “Right This Way” six years earlier, and its emotional lyrics about nostalgia continue to touch with audiences today.

I’ll Be Seeing You – Billie Holiday
Follow the Sun – Xavier Rudd
The Australian singer/songwriter Xavier Rudd is known for his music that explores humanity and spirituality. “Follow the Sun,” one of his outstanding songs in this style, highlights the natural circle and cycle of life, particularly in moments of togetherness.
Rudd’s music inspires listeners to connect with the environment around them.

Follow The Sun Xavier Rudd