Keg On My Coffin – The Push Stars
“Keg On My Coffin” by The Push Stars is a fantastic example of how, even in the face of death, the departed can choose to laugh. Friends and family are encouraged to do the same, with lyrics such as “Put the keg on my coffin, And think of me every so often.” The song goes on to suggest celebrating life with a “losers’ day parade” and drinking it up “like a river.”

Keg On My Coffin – The Push Stars
Wherever You Will Go – The Calling
“Wherever You Will Go,” written by Aaron Kamin for The Calling in 2001, was inspired by his grandmother’s friend who had died, leaving behind her spouse of over 50 years. Kamin attended the funeral and was struck by how difficult it must be for the surviving spouse to cope with the unexpected loss of a lifelong partner.
He envisioned the man longing to be reunited with his wife, or at the very least to know that she was safe and well. The song was inspired by this sentiment.

Wherever You Will Go – The Calling