Horse Hugs Woman: Cops Noticed Something Was Off

Published on 01/23/2023

They sought the advice of a different physician to ensure that their unborn childKeola was taken to the doctor to make sure everything was alright. He might have been trying to tell you something wasn’t right. A few physical examinations were conducted by the veterinarian. butJolene may not have been surprised to learn that Ricky had only invited his friends to theAll horse owners will concur that their animals have a greater capacity for perception than do humans. They can discern energy and emotions that our five senses are unable to notice thanks to their sixth sense. This is what Englishwoman Jolene Jonas experienced when she found out she was pregnant. She was really happy, and so was her fiance, but they couldn’t be as happy for their horse. Their horse began behaving strangely. They decided to go to the doctor just to be safe. However, as soon as the doctor saw the ultrasound, he immediately dialed 911.

Cops Were Called After Finding Out Why The Horse Kept Hugging This Woman

Cops Were Called After Finding Out Why The Horse Kept Hugging This Woman


Pregnant At Last

Jolene and Ricky were amazed at their good fortune when they initially found that Jolene was pregnant. They had been trying to conceive for a few months, so when they finally got the wonderful news, they were ecstatic. But not everyone was as enthusiastic as Ricky and Jolene. Their horse, Keola, had other opinions.

Pregnant At Last

Pregnant At Last