12. The F-35I Adir: A Game-Changer
The Israeli version of the F-35 fighter jet, the F-35I Adir, is a technological dream to say the least. It’s a gorgeous powerhouse, giving Israel unparalleled air superiority. Not only can this fighter jet travel at 1,200 kilometres per hour but it also carries a 25 millimeter GAU 22 gun, GBU-31 and GBU-12 guided air-to-surface bombs, and two AIM-120 air-to-air missiles.

The F-35I Adir: A Game-Changer
11. The Mysterious Unit 8200
The IDF is full of mystery with soldiers being unable to disclose what they really do and where they have really been. However, nit 8200 is Israel’s intelligence agency’s tech unit, akin to the NSA. Their cyber capabilities are beyond imagination, with operations that remain top secret and some we may never know about…or maybe not.

The Mysterious Unit 8200