Want To Lose Weight? These 50+ Celebrity Weight Loss Transformations That Would Inspire Anyone

Published on 10/22/2023

Mark Labbett – 35 Lbs – Dieting & Exercising

For many individuals, the pandemic lockdown of 2020 has turned out to be a godsend. Some people changed their lifestyles during the lockdown, while others developed closer relationships with their loved ones. Mark Labbett is in the latter group, having shed around thirty-five pounds of weight during that period of inactivity. He made a deliberate effort to exercise and eat healthily in addition to his inability to eat out and chasing after his toddler, all of which contributed to his new dapper appearance. His most recent TV appearance was in “The Chasers Road Trip: Trains, Brains and Automobiles,” which aired in 2021.

Mark Labbett – 35 Lbs – Dieting & Exercising

Mark Labbett – 35 Lbs – Dieting & Exercising


Shonda Rhimes – 150 Lbs – Clean Living

Author, producer, and screenwriter Shonda Rhimes changed her lifestyle by focusing on her health and wellness after realizing that she could not climb a flight of stairs without getting hot and bothered. Rhimes is best known for her work on Grey’s Anatomy, Scandal, Private Practice, and How to Get Away with Murder. Despite acknowledging that the procedure wasn’t enjoyable, Rhimes was candid about her weight reduction efforts and won praise for her updated appearance. “Bridgerton,” which she produced, was nominated for an Outstanding Drama Series Primetime Emmy Award in 2021.

Shonda Rhimes – 150 Lbs – Clean Living

Shonda Rhimes – 150 Lbs – Clean Living