You Will Never See The World The Same Way Again After Looking At These Maps

Published on 06/02/2022

The True Size of Greenland

We get the idea from maps like the one you just saw that Greenland is massive – the size of the entire continent of South America massive. Greenland, on the other hand, is smaller in terms of land area than Brazil. Greenland as a whole has a population of little over 56,000 people, but So Paulo, Brazil’s largest city, has a population of more than 12 million. Allow it to soak in for a moment.

The True Size Of Greenland

The True Size Of Greenland


Who Every State Hates

Unless you reside in New Jersey, where you allegedly hate everyone equally, or Hawaii, where you presumably hate no one, each state in America, according to this Instagram user’s followers, has another state that you can’t bear. California just can’t seem to catch a break!

Who Every State Hates

Who Every State Hates