You Will Never See The World The Same Way Again After Looking At These Maps

Published on 06/02/2022

Mons Olympus

Yes, Mons Olympus is the biggest volcano in our solar system. It is twice the height of Mount Everest and, as seen above, is so huge that it would not fit inside the state of Arizona. Can you imagine the damage this beast would cause if it erupted? Maybe we don’t want to know…

Mons Olympus

Mons Olympus


The US From Alaska’s Point of View

When looking at a map of the United States, you’ll note that Alaska is virtually usually an afterthought. It is usually displayed in tiny print on the reverse of the map. Alaskan mapmakers, reportedly fed up with being an afterthought, devised their map in which mainland America is the afterthought!

The US From Alaska's Point Of View

The US From Alaska’s Point Of View