25+ NFL’s Greatest Pass Rushers In History

Published on 04/05/2023

Reggie White

White, who finished second all-time in sacks with 198.0, was a fantasy if you were trying to build the ideal defensive lineman. At 6-foot-5, the Tennessee native was a great athlete who could play both inside and outside in a pinch. He was the type of player that rival teams would have to plan their offense around, mostly as a defensive end. White was that dominant in the front row. He exhibited incredible lateral quickness for a man weighing more than 300 pounds. His enormous wingspan allowed him to land a powerful first punch on offensive tackles. His pedigree as a techie made him unblockable from there.

Reggie White

Reggie White


Lawrence Taylor

The NFL’s most feared player in history. The greatest defensive player in NFL history. Perhaps the most dominant player in professional football history. L.T. was a spectacular athlete who played for the New York ‘football’ Giants for almost ten years. He single-handedly transformed the way the position was played while playing outside linebacker. Typically, the outside linebacker would be a stay-at-home guy, looking to assist in both coverage and run support. Taylor’s pass-rushing ability off the edge wreaked havoc on rival offenses. He was simply too swift for linemen, and his natural strength made the idea of chipping him at the line of scrimmage with a tight end laughable. He is now ranked 14th all-time in sacks as of 2023. (132.5).

Lawrence Taylor

Lawrence Taylor