Here Are The Latest News About The Famous “Octomom”

Published on 05/11/2021

Her Problems At Home

There were even allegations that she was abusing the guys! It makes sense in specific ways. It will be impossible for a single mother of fourteen children to ensure that each child’s needs are met. Child Protective Services was also called upon to look at the situation and prosecute the family. They looked at whether Nadya was neglecting the children. In the end, the investigators were unable to uncover the evidence that this was the case. Yes, the stories were completely false! In reality, the officials said that the house was appropriate for small children. It’s such a joy to know that.

Her Problems At Home

Her Problems At Home


No Choice But To Move Out

Sadly, not everyone agreed with the comment by the Child Protective Services. There was someone else who had the power to affect the life of Nadya Suleman and her kids. We are talking about none other than the landlord. He did not like what he saw and said that Nadya violated the terms of her lease. He even told the press about this before evicting the single mother and her fourteen kids. She wanted to be a good mother even though they were now out of a house. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

No Choice But To Move Out

No Choice But To Move Out