American Man Saved Pennies For 45 Years, Here’s What Happened

Published on 09/13/2021

He Warned Them

Anders had called the bank ahead of time to let them know he was coming in and warn them about the pennies, knowing that bringing a ton of pennies to the bank was a very unusual thing to do. Ryan Kilpatrick, the bank’s senior vice president, spoke to ABC News about the events: “It’s shocking, for sure. I would say he’s done a lot of collecting over the years.” For how many years had he been collecting them?

He Warned Them

He Warned Them


Given By God

Anders, who was now in his mid-70s, had been collecting pennies for 45 years. He had picked up the first penny he had saved after finding it on the ground. He brought it home, set it aside, and the rest, as they say, is history! In 2015, Anders spoke with The News-Star. “I became convinced that spotting a lost or dropped penny was an additional God-given incentive reminding me to always be thankful,” he explained. What a beautiful sentiment.

Given By God

Given By God