American Man Saved Pennies For 45 Years, Here’s What Happened

Published on 09/13/2021

An Odd Friendship

Anders thanked his old pal Jack “Domino Kid” Brown for assisting him with his coin-saving efforts: “Jack saved nickels as I saved pennies, and every nickel that passed through my hands, I would save for him. He did likewise with pennies for me.” “Our exchange became competitive by each trying to outdo the other and consequently our collections. His nickels (and) my pennies began to multiply.” The agreement was that Anders could only redeem pennies for nickels from Brown, and vice versa.

An Odd Friendship

An Odd Friendship


Filled With Determination

Anders became devoted to the cause of collecting pennies. In fact, he ended up taking a ruthless approach to the situation. The more he gathered, the more he wanted to add to his collection. “If I was at someone’s house and I found a penny, I would pick it up and I would keep it. I will always tell the person that if it was a quarter, I would give it back, but since it is a penny, I’m keeping it,” he told The News-Star.

An Odd Friendship

An Odd Friendship