Nobody Could Believe The Truth About This Pregnant Pit Bull

Published on 09/08/2019

Loving And Loyal Creatures

While many people assume that pit bulls are dangerous, there is no proof to go with such a claim. They can be loving and loyal like any other dog breed out there. They will also behave badly when mistreated.

Loving and Loyal Creatures

Loving And Loyal Creatures

There is nothing in their DNA that will turn them evil. These dogs make for excellent companions, in fact.


The Pups Should Have Popped Out Already

It turns out that Storie was already past her due date! Chris and Mariesa could not believe it. What was the reason it has not happened yet?

The Pups Should Have Popped Out Already

The Pups Should Have Popped Out Already

They knew that this was a delicate situation. At any rate, the couple wanted to give Storie the best environment possible.