36. Use Magents To Find Nail Holes
As the years go by, people usually get bored with their homes’ paint job. They want to freshen up or change the wallpaper in some house rooms. When this time comes, anything must first be taken down on the walls. The work may seem much more tricky, though than when you need to rehang everything. Making new wall holes is not the ideal solution, nor is it putting new tinier nails in those exciting holes. After painting, just wipe a magnet over the walls to search for and save the same ones from before.

36. Use Magents To Find Nail Holes
37. Drill Into Tiles Easily
Drilling, especially when it’s done on slippery tiles, particularly in bathrooms, is usually one of the diciest things to do. If you lose grip for even a split second, you might just find a whole new renovation project for yourself. Fortunately, there is truly an easy solution to this problem. Take some masking tape and cover the tile into which you are drilling. Compared to when your grip was not as strong, you will now see how smoothly your drill works.

37. Drill Into Tiles Easily