14. Sleeping With Soap Can Cure Eliminate Your Leg Cramps
Even though this isn’t a real home maintenance trick, many people swear it’s a home remedy. Like many home remedies, science cannot fully explain or illustrate this. Is your sleep disturbed by cramping legs? Put a soap bar under your paper sheet. Experts believe this may be due to the placebo effect, or possibly because it contains magnesium. There is no universal agreement as to which type or brand of soap works best, so you can test a few different bars to see if it works for you.

14. Sleeping With Soap Can Cure Eliminate Your Leg Cramps
15. Finding Studs With The Help Of A Measuring Tape
If you look at the tape measurement or the tape you have at home really closely, several other numbers will be red, while the remaining ones will be black. Or at intervals on the tape, you might recognize small black diamonds, depending entirely on the brand. Just to help you determine the stubs and the space between the stubs in your home walls, these indicators are placed there.

15. Finding Studs With The Help Of A Measuring Tape