As its name bears, the Goldendoodle is a mixed breed of two affectionate breeds, the Golden Retriever and Poodle. If you need some exercise, then this dog is the best for you as it needs to be taken for walks often. Playful, loyal, intelligent, and loving, the Goldendoodle will surely guarantee you great companionship.

For a senior, regular exercises are essential in maintaining a fit and healthy body. This is why owning a Beagle comes in handy. They’re playful and will surely get you active every day. And here’s more great news; it relatively low grooming needs, so you wouldn’t need to spend much money on that. What’s better than having the perfect dog for grandma or grandpa? A dog that even their grandchildren will love! Even though Beagles are reputably noisy, many senior care experts commend this breed for their friendliness that makes them one of the best breeds for seniors. Moreover, the Beagle gets along well with the youngsters, so even your grandchildren can experience this breed’s, furry love.
