The Best Dog Breeds Perfect For Seniors

Published on 03/25/2020

Basset Hound

Basset Hounds have an easy, loving nature that seniors will get along with. Although they can be a bit stubborn but nonetheless, they are very affectionate that some say, they like to shadow you closely. If you own a Basset Hound, you have to be watchful of its weight. We know their adorable and hard to resist, but spoiling them with excessive food is not encouraged as they easily put on weight. When it comes to grooming, they don’t need too much work. A regular brush every now and then is good enough.

Basset Hound

Basset Hound


Boston Terrier

Boston Terriers aren’t described as couch potatoes for nothing. They’ve earned that title for their love in chilling out and just spending time with you. Just the perfect size and equipped with a great personality, they are a breed that a senior can easily manage. You wouldn’t need to fuss over their grooming needs as they don’t require extravagant coat care. This breed’s relaxed nature will definitely calm you down and just be carefree.

Boston Terrier

Boston Terrier