30+ Incredible Aircraft Designs That You Absolutely Want To See

Published on 03/24/2023

Sukhoi Su-57

The Digi-camo paint job on this Soviet fighter plane is maybe the sleekest aircraft paint scheme on this list, if not always. If you’re paying attention in the United States, you might have noticed a recent USAF F-16 paint job that looks suspiciously similar to this one, near to the Air Force. Given that this jet is nearly identical to the USAF’s F-22 Raptor, we believe that since they steal entire fighter jet concepts, copying a paint job scheme can’t be that awful.

Sukhoi Su-57


Battery Powered Plane?

This custom paint work of Duracell batteries on the front of what appears to be a C-130 Hercules aircraft is incredible. We adore the custom airplane painting works that are so simple yet so effective-it resembles a battery! Furthermore, the fact that these Duracell AA batteries will be donated to Toys for Tots makes it even nicer. Congratulations to everyone involved, especially those who worked on the outstanding custom C-130 paint job!

Battery Powered Plane?