The Greatest Professional Wrestlers Of All Time: How Are They Doing Now?

Published on 11/10/2020

The Ultimate Warrior

supporters adored James Brian Hellwig, who earned the nickname Ultimate Warrior, or Dingo Warrior. He absolutely adored wrestling so much that in 1993 he changed his name legally to Warrior! There had been a time when people claimed that he was dead and that a different fighter was impersonating him. The reality, though, was that he died in 2014 at the age of 54 from a heart attack.

The Ultimate Warrior

The Ultimate Warrior


Ric Flair

Ric Flair has been one of the best fighters in history, with 16 championship titles under his sleeve. He will even address this and prove that 21 is the correct number. In September 2011, his ultimate match took place. He has also given acting a shot aside from his long wrestling career. Unfortunately, after overdosing on a cocktail of Xanax as well as heroin, his younger son passed away. This was pretty difficult for him; we are quite certain.

Ric Flair

Ric Flair