Do You Have A Pool? Here’s How To Care For It
Once summer arrives, it’s a given to immediately want to jump right into the pool. However, before you do that, you need to make sure it’s taken care of. Before you start using your pool again, clean it out and check that all its components are in working order. Even after you’ve done this, you’ll have things to do on a daily and weekly basis to maintain your pool correctly. Here’s what you’ll need to do:
Skim Off Leaves and Debris
This task needs to be done on a daily basis. Use a long-handled leaf skimmer to gather up any leaves, insects, or other debris that may be floating on the surface of the pool. Doing this on a daily basis will keep all these things from sinking to the bottom of the pool. If it does, it can be difficult to remove. Not to mention, it can cause stains as well. If you have a lot of tall trees in your backyard, consider trimming them to minimize the amount of debris that ends up in the water.
Brush the Walls
Algae and small bits of debris can gather on the walls of your pool, ladders, and all kinds of fixtures. What you need to do to prevent this from happening or clean it up when it does is brush the pool walls and fixtures every week. This will remove the dirt and prevent the spread of algae. Brush all the dirt towards the main drain of the pool to make things easier for yourself. You can find a pool brush at any hardware store – it’s a must-have for any pool owner.
Vacuum the Pool
Once you’ve skimmed and brushed the pool, you’ll need to vacuum up all the dirt. If you’re using an automatic vacuum, it’s a simple process: simply plug it in and set it in the water. If you’re using a manual vacuum, it will be slightly more complicated. Submerge the head of the vacuum and hose before hooking it up to the filter. Then, hook up the vacuum, making sure the hose isn’t floating. Vacuum the bottom of the pool and move it across in a motion that’s similar to mowing the lawn. Move slowly and overlap the lines to make sure you’re picking up as much debris as possible.
Test the Water
Pool water needs to be kept balanced at a certain pH level at all times. To make sure it’s the way it needs to be, get yourself a test kit. All it will require you to do is dip the test strip in the water. Once you do that, you’ll be able to compare it to a chart that comes in the kit. Doing this will tell you how acidic your pool water is. It needs to be in check in order to prevent cloudy water or even eye irritation when swimming. If something is off, you can use a pH increase or decrease to adjust the pH. Make sure to follow the instructions closely.
Keep the Pump Running
Your pool needs to have a proper circulation system. The system includes the skimmer, pump, pump strainer, drains, and filter. These all help the chemicals in the water work effectively and make sure the water is properly filtered. Run the pump long enough every day to ensure the water is filtered well and that each part of the system is clean and running in good condition.