Introducing The Greatest Wrestler Of All Time

Published on 03/28/2023

Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat

Many adored The Dragon because of his charm and stage presence during his heyday as a wrestler. If you ask Rick Flair who would be the most difficult opponent he’d ever face inside the ring, he’ll undoubtedly respond “The Dragon.” Fans will never forget Ricky’s three great rounds in the ring; his high-flying exploits were a show for the audience, and we can anticipate no less from The Dragon.

Ricky ‘The Dragon’ Steamboat

Ricky ‘The Dragon’ Steamboat


Harley Race

Harley was afflicted with polio as a child and warned he might never be able to walk again. Despite the prognosis, Harley later went on to become a professional wrestler. He was an excellent wrestler who, along with Funk and Thesz, contributed to the advancement of contemporary wrestling techniques. He was determined to make professional wrestling a legitimate sport rather than a gimmick. Race became the manager for Vader and Lex Lugers in WCW after resigning as a professional wrestler.

Harley Race

Harley Race