We all like baby animals, and we can’t lie. The appeal of these tiny creatures is simply universal. Part of the charm is that they are still naïve and curious creatures at this point in their lives. Thanks to their natural sweetness, adults just melt into puddles at the sight of them! Check out these baby animals from various species so you can see what we are getting at. You might be surprised to see that even those that are quite terrifying as adults make for precious babies.
Baby Hedgehog
Did you know that baby hedgehogs are known as “hoglets”? They are some of the most adorable things we have ever seen in our lives. This must have to do with the deadly combination of little hands and round bodies. The feet that stick out go so well with the sweet expression. They are not like porcupines as their quills do not shoot out. They are not dangerous either, so you can cuddle with them as much as you want. The quills are there so that they can curl up in a ball and scare away predators when needed.

Baby Hedgehog
Baby Dolphin
Dolphins are truly fascinating animals. Aside from their high intelligence, they make for the cutest babies as well! Did you know that they develop hind limbs in utero, only for them to retract and vanish before birth? This is an indication that they evolved from four-legged terrestrial mammals. They display traits considered unique among marine animals. For one thing, they like to play! Dolphins have also been recorded riding the waves and making bubble rings through their blowholes. They would then spin them using their beaks and bite to pop them. We would love to see them do this up close and personal.

Baby Dolphin