Baby Hamster
Hamsters, unlike the baby sloth, are born blind and naked. They only start to develop a sense of sight and open their eyes by the time they are 14 to 17 days old. The pregnancies only last three weeks, and a mother hamster can have anywhere from six to 20 hamsters per litter. Talk about cuteness overload. Sadly, things can go wrong when a mother hamster is stressed out during or after birth. When this happens, she might abandon or eat her babies. If you have a pregnant hamster, give her a lot of TLC!

Baby Hamster
Baby Kangaroo
In case you did not know, baby kangaroos are known as joeys. They are simply adorable. The way they came into this world is also fascinating. A baby kangaroo is born into a pouch on the belly of the mother. They are in an immature stage of development with only a length of an inch and weighing less than a gram. The baby then begins to suckle and then spends more and more time outside of the pouch until it is ready to leave completely. This typically happens anywhere from seven to ten months of age.

Baby Kangaroo