Baby Owl
Where do we even begin with owls? They have round bodies, huge eyes, and fluffy feathers. These amazing creatures also start incredibly lovable! We love them, and they tend to love us back. Sadly, it can be too much at times. While rehabilitating these babies, caretakers need to ensure that the owlets won’t get too attached. They would even don camouflage and feed the baby using tweezers held by an owl puppet between the mouth. If we were in their shoes, we would simply let the babies get attached.

Baby Owl
Baby Pygmy Hippo
You are looking at a photo of a little pygmy hippo. This little fellow happens to be super friendly as well. In the animal kingdom, hippos have one of the longest pregnancies. After eight months, they only deliver a single baby. After a few weeks of bonding between the mother and the child, the older hippo joins a gang of female hippos who work together to keep their babies safe from predators. The orphan in this photo looks like they found a substitute mother. How cute is this photo?

Baby Pygmy Hippo