Baby Platypus
Will you look at this cutie? If you are not sure what it is, we want you to know that this is a platypus. It is also known as the duck-billed platypus. Even though it looks like some mythical creature, trust us when we say that it is real. It is a semiaquatic mammal that lays eggs. It is found in eastern Australia, which includes Tasmania. This animal happens to be the only living species in its genus and family.

Baby Platypus
Baby Bison
Whoa, will you check out the baby bison in this photo? He was trotting along so that he could keep up with the other members of the herd. Once it is born, the American bison calf weighs anywhere from 30 to 70 pounds. Aside from the mom, the rest of the herd protects the baby as well. In the wild, an adult bison goes on to live for 14 to 24 years. It goes without saying that this is only the start for this little guy.

Baby Bison