Baby Elephant
This is the very definition of a nosedive. We are only kidding, of course. The little guy in the photo is only getting used to his feet, but he is already doing a pretty good job. This is especially true when you consider that calves can walk within an hour or two of birth. In only two days, they gain enough strength to join the herd. Can you believe that? Humans, on the other hand, only start walking after a year or so.

Baby Elephant
Baby Duck
Do you like ducks? It does not matter your answer because the wide-eyed fella in this photo is simply to die for. She can even fit in the palm of our hand. We have not even talked about how fluffy she is just yet! If we were lucky enough to be her owners, we would bring her no matter where we go. After all, there is no doubt in our minds that her mere presence alone is going to be therapeutic on its own.

Baby Duck