Baby Seal
How can it get any more adorable than this? We are starting to think that is not possible at all. With their huge eyes and white coat, baby seals are too precious to resist. They are born on sea ice in the Arctic and North Atlantic Oceans. Even though pops do not have blubber yet, they gain weight thanks to the high-fat milk from their mothers. Once they get to 80 pounds, the mothers stop nursing them. After six weeks with no food, the baby seals then dive into the water to look for food on their own!

Baby Seal
Baby Frog
Let us be real. Amphibians are not exactly the most popular animals that we can think of. Despite this, you would be heartless if you deny that the baby frog in this photo is a cutie. Look at how adorable he is with his eyes closed, resting on top of the hand of his owner. How heartwarming! Even so, we want to know how on earth the guy keeps an eye on the frog. It is tiny and can hop away in a matter of seconds.

Baby Frog