Baby Eastern Quoll
The eastern quoll is an Australian native cat that used to be known as the eastern native cat. They’re popular in Tasmania and are widely distributed. Though they were once thought to be extinct on the mainland, they were reintroduced into fenced sanctuaries in 2016 and into the wild in March 2018. They are distinguished from other medium-sized carnivores by their distinctive black-and-white fur coat.

Baby Eastern Quoll
Baby Pangolin
Pangolins are a type of pangolin that can be found in Asia and Africa. These cute creatures come in various sizes, ranging from 30 to 100 cm (12-39 inches). Pangolins’ skin is covered in thick, protective keratin scales. They are, in truth, the only mammals known to have this feature! Depending on the species, they prefer to live in hollow trees or burrows. The majority of these tiny creatures’ diet consists of ants and termites.

Baby Pangolin