Baby Reindeers
Reindeer are a favorite of many people. The first thing that comes to mind when we see them is, of course, Rudolph, but the cute animals are much more than that. This animal can be found in the Arctic, subArctic, tundra, boreal, and mountainous regions of northern Europe, Siberia, and North America in various forms and species. However, since their numbers have dwindled over time, they have been classified as “functionally extinct.”

Baby Reindeers
Baby Meerkat
This tiny mongoose is usually found in southern Africa, and we’re pleased to report that they’re not in imminent danger of extinction. Beetles, small birds, reptiles, and even plant material are among the foods consumed by the cute little creature. Meerkats are very social animals, so they live in groups of two to thirty people and have rocky home ranges. They also dig their own burrow systems, which can be up to 5 meters in diameter and have about 15 openings.

Baby Meerkat