Queen’s Favorite Granddaughter Gets A Million Dollar Tiara For Her Wedding

Published on 08/05/2021

Date, Time, Where

The wedding took place on May 19, 2018. Beginning at 12pm BST, a carriage procession followed through Windsor an hour later. The wedding was shown worldwide on television, but also was available to stream online. Using the Royal Family’s official Youtube account, anyone from anywhere in the world with an internet connection could stream it.

Date, Time, Where

Date, Time, Where



The Queen gave her blessing for Harry and Meghan to marry on March 15th. She gave her official consent and allowed the marriage to be signified under the great seal, and for it to be entered into the books of the privy council. With Harry at the time being fifth in line, the Successions to the Crown Act required the Queen’s formal authorization for the marriage to commence. The Queen holds Harry dearly, and it was no surprise that the wedding was approved by all involved.

