Showing Discomfort
Let’s go back to yawning for a bit. Although yawns express relatively calm feelings such as relaxation, boredom, or sleepiness, there are times when a yawn would indicate distress as well. When they get to a strange place, they might yawn as a sign of nervousness.
Tilting Their Heads
Hundreds of years of domestication have made dogs accustomed to human voices. We tend to talk to our furry pals in a high-pitched voice just like how we talk to babies. When we do this, they’ll tip their head to the side which looks like they’re trying to comprehend us. Dogs have amazing abilities to understand our body language and vocal tone. They know when they’re being reprimanded versus when someone is giving them instructions. There are frequently used words that they can recognize such as treat or walk. One theory suggests that dogs tilt their heads to calibrate their outer ears to hear us better.