What Was The Cause Of Bullying?
Joey Mason’s father really thought it all through and spent many hours putting his plan into action. It was not too long after he began to figure out that Joey was actually being bullied by people who were his classmates. But he couldn’t help but wonder whether his son’s teacher was involved as well. Their family and home life were going really well so he was 100% certain that the problem wasn’t coming from home. He needed the truth but wasn’t sure how he was going to get it out of Joey. So part of his plan was to secretly follow his son to the local park once school ended. And that was when he saw the light…

What Was The Cause Of Bullying?
His World Turned Upside Down
It was really upsetting to see that the place Joey enjoyed the most was turning his world upside down and didn’t make him feel safe any longer…only because of the bullies. Joey had already started playing with his ball when teenagers came over to him. They however were unaware that someone else was watching them…