American Man Saved Pennies For 45 Years, Here’s What Happened

Published on 09/13/2021

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Ira Keys, also from the United States, was another man who liked to save his pennies. This imposing 81-year-old presented his coin collection to the Prosperity Bank in Slaton, Texas, in 2015. Keys had a whopping $816 in coinage, totaling 500 pounds. He explained his actions to NBC station KCBD, saying that his father once told him, “Whatever you do, son, save your money.” Keys appears to have taken this advice a little too literally! He had been putting money aside since 1952.

Others Like Anders

Others Like Anders


What Did He Spend The Money On?

What did Anders intend to do with all of this money!? is the burning question on everyone’s lips. With $5,000, you can accomplish a lot. Would he treat himself to a brand-new car? Perhaps a lavish vacation with family and friends? Regrettably, his choice was far less exciting than either of those alternatives. Anders had a dental treatment bill to pay, it turned out. This is where his money would eventually end up. What a pity!

What Did He Spend The Money On?

What Did He Spend The Money On?