American Man Saved Pennies For 45 Years, Here’s What Happened

Published on 09/13/2021

Childhood Love

A Chinese man saved his pennies for a very special cause in another incredible story on the same theme, but with a little more romance. That’s for sure, a lot more special than spending your hard-earned money on dental treatment! When Liang, the story’s protagonist, was nine years old, he was as in love as a nine-year-old can be. He promised her that he would buy her an engagement ring one day as a way of demonstrating his love for her. Liang would never forget this promise.

Childhood Love

Childhood Love


Honoring His Promise

Liang set aside all of his spare cash for the next 20 years of his life. He hadn’t been saving for quite 45 years, but he wasn’t just saving pennies. He kept everything he could get his hands on. He continued to save coins even when he was earning paper money. Liang kept his promise even after the two went their separate ways and ended up in different cities. He wasn’t going down without a fight! He wasn’t a man of empty words, either; despite the passage of time, he refused to break his promise.

Honoring His Promise

Honoring His Promise