46. Aluminum Foil Can Be Made Into A Funnel
Nothing is more annoying than not being able to funnel something into a bottle accurately. Think back to all the waste that happens and the spillage. Aluminum foil will however be your best friend now. All you need to do is form a funnel with your foil and place it in the bottle you need to pour in. Voila, you’ve got the perfect DY funnel now.

46. Aluminum Foil Can Be Made Into A Funnel
47. No More Wobbly Chairs Or Tables
Unstable furniture, whether in the office or at home, is one of the most common complaints, hands down. Well don’t worry, we’ve got a great solution for you—an easy and cheap one. This will definitely ensure that your pieces of furniture remain stronger than ever. Firstly take the wobbly piece apart now use glue in between to secure each piece in place before you reassemble it.

47. No More Wobbly Chairs Or Tables