48. Clean Your Mirrors With Foil
Have you ever noticed your mirror starting to look ‘vintage’ or covered in strange black marks? aluminum foil will come to your rescue once again! Without having to spend thousands of dollars or toss it out the only solution is to place a piece of foil on the back of the mirror with some tape. Once you put the mirror back in the reflective side of the foil is hardly noticeable.

48. Clean Your Mirrors With Foil
49. Open A Window And Prevent Mold
There are actually quite a few ways, unbeknownst to many to prevent mold from building up in the bathrooms. We do know, however, that this is triggered by excess moisture that becomes trapped. The humidity, therefore, causes fungi to grow and develop. To prevent this from happening, the most basic method is to ensure that you leave a window open immediately after you get out of a hot shower or bath. It will easily escape the excess humidity and the air will be drier faster.

49. Open A Window And Prevent Mold