’22 Jump Street’ (2014)
Domestic Gross: $191.7 million
This buddy movie featuring Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum as undercover cops was a bigger hit than its sequel, “21 Jump Street,” released in 2012. Its almost $192 million cumulative outperformed the initial by more than $50 million in the United States alone. According to Box Office Mojo, it is the highest-grossing R-rated film ever set on a college campus, beating out films like “National Lampoon’s Animal House” and “The Social Network.”

’22 Jump Street’ (2014)
‘Terminator 2: Judgment Day’ (1991)
Domestic Gross: $206 million
Director James Cameron has directed some of the most successful films in history, including “Titanic” and “Avatar,” but his highest-earning R-rated picture is the 1991 sci-fi classic “Terminator 2: Judgment Day.” “T2’s” lifetime domestic gross of $206 million was collected over several theatrical releases, but it was a huge success from the start. It was the world’s highest-grossing film — independent of MPAA ranking — by a broad margin in 1991, and it is now the long-running Terminator franchise’s greatest cash cow.

‘Terminator 2, Judgment Day’ (1991)