Bubble Tea
There is no doubt that bubble tea is famous worldwide, but regardless of how delicious they are, you must avoid drinking tapioca pearls that came from China. Researchers from Germany found polychlorinated biphenyls in these pearls in 2012. And just like how intimidating they sound, these chemicals are very dangerous. In case you don’t know, it is said to cause cancer, as well as affect several systems in our body such as the nervous, reproductive, immune, and endocrine. An investigation revealed that these pearls were made in a chemical factory from old leather shoe soles and tires.
It’s a widely known fact that in China, gels are often added to shrimps to increase their weight, therefore increasing their profits. While there are gels that are harmless, some gels are made for the printing and furniture industry, which usually contain other materials such as lead and mercury. You definitely don’t want any of those served on your dinner plate right? The US Federal Statistical Office has stated that over $150 million worth of shrimp were imported from China to the United States from January to October 2015. The FDA issued a warning on the seafood imported from China in 2015.