Eligible Bachelor
Charles was a charming young man who had a swarm of young women swarming around him in his youth. Although he had multiple potential courtships, it was clear that he had his sights set on someone else… Charles first met Diana Frances Spencer in 1977, when he was accompanying her elder sister to her house. However, he never romantically considered Diana until the early 1980s, when he began seriously considering a potential bride. Prince Charles ultimately proposed to Diana in February 1981.

Eligible Bachelor
Wedding Of The Century
Their engagement had been kept a secret for some time, Diana was overjoyed and naturally said ‘yes,’ and the two married a few months later in St. Paul’s Cathedral in London. The glamorous event was attended by roughly 3500 guests and was also watched on TV by 750 million people around the world, earning it the moniker “wedding of the century.” Diana has crowned Princess of Wales when she was 20 years old. She then performed numerous royal responsibilities on behalf of the Queen.

Wedding Of The Century